
What are the benefits of rebranding?

Rebranding can take many forms, from picking a new name to implementing a new business model. Aligning your core values to your employee hierarchy. While these changes are taking place, your business still needs to work towards engaging and communicate with customers. At a recent talk in Dubai, we were asked ...

Branding and Content in 2019

It’s a game of Show & Tell. Branding, Content and your customers. This is an update of what AdBrand and VideOh have been busy with over the past few months. Engaging millions and refreshing brands through the psychology of the consumer environment. You know who we are, but may not know how we do ...

We are AdBrand

WE ARE AdBrand - Branding, Design and Big Ideas If a brand is your customers perception of your product or service, what does yours say about you? We understand brands and the control they impose. We build brands with personality to help engage and interact with your customers. With 60% of customer’s buying ...

What is a rebrand and should I consider it?

This is a surprisingly uncommon question. However, its been asked twice this week, so we wanted to answer “What is a rebrand and should I consider it?”. This article aims to define what your brand is to your customers and do they relate and engage with it.  Could you tweak ...

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