our story
The AdBrand story began many years before we created the business. It started with a blank piece of paper and a pencil, a paint brush and canvas, a can and a train, a mouse and a mac.
This built our passion and flare for our ‘work’ yet the business came from a need. Not from us, but a request from clients who didn’t just need something ‘designed pretty’ but respected our ideas of being able to consider the proposed problem and solve it through creativity. Several passion projects many years ago, led to a respected business, led by the same inspiration.
We are passionate about our ‘work’.
We are thorough storytellers.
We are trusted.
We are AdBrand.
our plus
We are Big/Small. An age where ideas are of abundance, opportunities flowing and as society evolves so do our client’s needs. We don’t accept change, we bring it on.
From the beaches of California, pavements of London, the underground of Paris and downtown Bombay – our creative approach has the flexibility of global experience with a local output.
AdBrand evolved from a market need for large agency experience with an agile approach. Our Big/Small agency produces passionate work.

We believe in life, everything starts with a drawing. Think of a car, house, the latest fashion trends, they are all created from a sketch (we call scamps), from this traditional approach to our creative process, we evolve these designs into what becomes your brand identity.
One story from 2011 – Our Creative Director was sat at a café with a prospective client, who began telling him about the ideas he had for his new Real Estate company. Our Creative Director asked if the client would mind him drawing whilst he spoke to scamp out ideas and take notes. After three or four minutes, he placed his sketch pad on the table, and they began discussing ideas.
Five minutes later the interested client asked to see the ideas, and instantly selected one of the designs. Then asking how much it would cost, he was told the prices. “Huh, that much for the design… I’ve just watched you, it took you less than five minutes to draw this.” Our Creative Director, replied with, “Yes Sir, it may have taken me less than five minutes to draw these ideas, but it has also taken me over 15 years to be able to do so”. We have several stories like this and each one of them charming.

We jointly craft the brief. Evolving from a detailed fact-finding workshop aligning your needs and deliverables.
- Core values
- Competitor landscape
- Current positioning
- Customer perception

With a thorough understanding of your vision we build the foundations of your business’ personality.
- Personality creation
- Persona development
- Profiling competitors
- Placement ‘glocal’

Developing creative routes to inspire, tell your story and with each idea presented, a rationale saddles them.
- Three routes
- Theme rationale
- Testing comparisons
- Targeted placement

Roll Out
With your chosen route and core values aligned. We address your new strategic positioning, as we finalise production.
- Marketing collateral
- Media applications
- Managerial introduction
- Master toolkit

our why
It’s not for us to convince you on our design ability. We stand by our motto, “Tell your audience nothing, show them everything.”
Before you start your branding journey from conception or indeed as a refresh – you should choose an agency you get along with. A group of people you really like. You’ll get more out of them and they will also want to give more.
We hear far too often comments like “we invested in a brand a year or so ago, and we need to do it again, but we’ve spent all our budget“. When I say we’ve heard that a lot – it was a modest claim – we hear it every month, and have done for years. The comfort is that you didn’t know better, nor should you have done. You met a superb sales guy that over promised and under delivered. That’s all, however, you’ve learned a lesson.
Don’t see building a brand as a cost, but an investment – think about what you have sacrificed to get here, and that doing it right this time will hold you in good stead for the years to come. To get the most out your branding agency – whether it’s for a brand refresh or new creation – research them.
our way
LOCAL: We explore the presence and positioning of your local competition
GLOBAL: We explore the global level competition of the brand, the business against where you currently stand.
CLIENT AVOIDS: We understand and study the brief provided by the client, focusing on the specifics of what you would like to avoid. Knowing what you don’t like is equally as helpful.
CLIENT BUDGET: We consider the budget of each client and tailor our solutions around the investment.

Our Network
The Constant Farmer
Our business has been built on relationships from the foundations of referrals, this is testament to our core values, but also to our network of clients, we don’t hunt for business we farm.
If you’d like to be introduced to any of our clients or partners please let us know.